Company Introduce

Elsetech Environment Inc. was established under Share the Values, a shared philosophy of environmental value. We have been conducting challenging and continuous RnD in various fields such as arsenic-contaminated water treatment facilities using electrochemicals and information service platforms based on waste resources [PET bottles, filters, etc.]. The waste filter-based information collection platform currently being developed is a platiorm that analyzes and services accumulated information of water contamination based on water purifier filters after use. It is a service platform with high value for use in waterworks policy establishment, etc.

Elsetech Environment Inc.

Representative : Seungil James Pak

단위 : 매출액/수출액(억원), 종사자(명)
2021년도 매출정보 - 매출액, 수출액, 종사자 정보 제공
구분 매출액 수출액 종사자
기타 년도별 매출정보 - 년도, 매출액, 수출액, 종사자 정보 제공
년도 구분 매출액 수출액 종사자

Flagship product



Elsetech Environment Inc.의 생생한 소식, 재미와 감동을 전합니다


공지사항 - 번호, 제목, 첨부파일, 등록일 순
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