Company Introduce

K-1 Ecotech Co., Ltd. has made the supply of clean and clean water as its corporate mission, and is continuously developing new technologies and systems with creative wisdom and challenging spirit. We have proven our technological prowess as the only company designated as an excellent procurement product in Korea in the field of filtration treatment for swimming pools and water play facilities, and we are expanding our business to other areas where filtration treatment is applied.

K-1 ECOTECH Co., Ltd.

Representative : Kim Jong-Hak

단위 : 매출액/수출액(억원), 종사자(명)
2021년도 매출정보 - 매출액, 수출액, 종사자 정보 제공
구분 매출액 수출액 종사자
기타 년도별 매출정보 - 년도, 매출액, 수출액, 종사자 정보 제공
년도 구분 매출액 수출액 종사자


공지사항 - 번호, 제목, 첨부파일, 등록일 순
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