Company Introduce

Kkumdongsan-Exemplary companies Co., Ltd. employers are severely disabled person who are isolated from the general employment market and working as a main agent, producing incoming panel and a panel board, LED outdoor lighting etc. We are designated as official company for disabled from the Ministry of SMEs and Startups and became a good example in the community appointing social enterprise from the Ministry of Employment and Labor.

Kkumdongsan-Exemplary companies Co., Ltd.

Representative : Kwon O-Hyeon

단위 : 매출액/수출액(억원), 종사자(명)
2021년도 매출정보 - 매출액, 수출액, 종사자 정보 제공
구분 매출액 수출액 종사자
기타 년도별 매출정보 - 년도, 매출액, 수출액, 종사자 정보 제공
년도 구분 매출액 수출액 종사자

Flagship product



공지사항 - 번호, 제목, 첨부파일, 등록일 순
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