The global water industry is continuously growing, with a current scale of approximately KRW 800 trillion. Korea Water Cluster is an industrial cluster launched by the Ministry of Environment and managed by the Korea Environment Corporation, to help Korean water companies secure a competitive edge and lead the global water industry.
Korea Water Cluster, which was formed based on the “Act On Development Of Water Management Technologies And On Promotion Of Water Industry (Act No. 17178, 2020),” has established a One-Stop support system that can contribute to all processes for the Korean water industry to enter the global market, starting from R&D, technology verification, securing performance, commercialization in the Korean market, and overseas expansion. We provide various programs to enhance water welfare for the Korean citizens, enhance water management efficiency, create new jobs related to the water industry, and contribute to the economic growth of Korea, and make Korea one of the water industry powerhouses.
Among the local governments that showed interest in the water industry, Daegu Metropolitan City showed the most active interest by hosting the 2015 World Water Forum and planning the Korea Water Cluster within the Daegu National Industrial Complex. After being designated as a government preliminary validity evaluation project in 2013, and passing the k preliminary validity evaluation project in 2014, the Korea Water Cluster was constructed in the Daegu National Industrial Complex in November 2016, and opened in September 2019.
Korea Water Cluster is a complex with infrastructure to support all stages of water industry technology development and overseas expansion, with a total area of 145,000㎡. The cluster is consisted of advancement facilities including the Water Convergence Research Center, Water Campus, and Global Business Center, and substantiation facilities including Consumer Designed Areas, Comprehensive Observation and Test Facility, and substantiation plant.
Global Business Center has a total of 6 floors, including an office space, information center, and convenience facilities. It is a place to exchange global information, build partnerships, and provides customized consultations for overseas expansion.
This place is to support water related companies to develop products and gain a competitive edge, by analyzing and evaluating the equipment and parts related to the water industry. It ultimately aims to contribute to the growth of the Korean water industry.
Water Convergence Research Center is consisted of offices for rent, research rooms, headquarters office, and other management facilities. It supports industry-academy joint research to discover innovative core technologies and products, evaluations, and research analysis.
With a total of 4 floors, Water Campus is consisted of a library, cafeteria, lecture rooms, and project laboratories. It is a place to nurture experts fit for the industry, and education sessions for start-ups.
Our substantiation facilities secure reference (experience) to manage substantiation facilities, help companies reduce time needed to get their technologies and new technologies certified, and simplify processes ? For filtered water and wastewater TB, our facilities have a capacity that is 10 to 100 times greater than the maximum capacity of the certification standards.
To support the growth of the resident companies and contribute to the growth of Korea’s water industry, Korea Water Cluster provides Water Convergence Research Center and Substantiation Facilities.
- A virtuous cycle starting from R&D to comercialization
- Support for all stages focusing on the consumers, including planning and commercialization of R&D
- Exclusive coordinators for R&D One-Stop Service
Strengthen role as a hub to encourage exchanges to support domestic and global R&D (companies, research centers, univerisites, staff members)
Building a platform that provides detailed information on R&D developed technologies
Organize and conduct R&D tasks that fit the needs of water companies, build policies related to the water industry, and monitor the trends in the business plans
Take part in various joint research with research institutions in leading countries and invite excellent talents from overseas to overcome the limitatinos related to the capabilities and investment size of R&D related to the water industry
- Providing TB for substantiation for the development of water management technology, as well as customized R&D space
- Supporting the commercialization of the water technology and product with function evaluation and certification at an international level
types of water, reused water, sewage, and wastewater substantiation plants (Using the standard treatment process and promising technology)
Companies and universities can freely set up equipment and processes even in small groups to conduct research on technology development including R&D - we provide raw water (reused wastewater), site, wastewater, etc.
A separate outdoors space for pilot projects that cannot take place in the Consumer Design Area
Facility to test pipe materials, consisted of rotation irrigation networks (D500, 300, 100mm), external pipes, duct, and inner water supply tests
Equipped with a recycling basin (800㎥), elevated tanks (capacity of 용량 400 ㎥, height of 26.8m), valves, flowmeters, manometer, air valves, etc.
While managing a global business center, Korea Water Cluster also supports resident companies to discover new overseas markets and enter the global market.
Korea Water Cluster organizes various support programs for the resident companies to enter the global market by developing their own technologies.
Although Water Cluster also exists in the Netherlands and the United States, Korea’s Water Cluster is the first of its kind in the world that can support all steps of the water industry by bringing filtered water, reused water, sewage, and wastewater all come together.
With a daily capacity of 2,000㎥/, the water substantiation plant is classified into two types, with a daily capacity of 1,000㎥/ each. Raw water for research is obtained from Nakdong River, which is approximately 2km away from the Korea Water Cluster to be supplied to the water companies. It is designed to make processed water flow into the industrial purification plant nearby.
With a daily capacity of 1,000㎥/, the sewage substantiation plant is classified into two types, with a daily capacity of 500㎥/ each. Raw water for research is obtained from wastewater from Guji-myeon, Dalseong-gun. It is designed to make processed water flow into the sewages of the reused water substantiation plant.
With a daily capacity of 1,000㎥/, the wastewater substantiation plant is classified into two types, with a daily capacity of 500㎥/ each. Raw water for research is obtained from the wastewater from Guji National Industrial Complex located in Guji-myeon, Dalseong-gun. It is designed to make processed water flow into the wastewater of the reused water substantiation plant.
With a daily capacity of 1,000㎥/, the reused water substantiation plant is classified into two types, with a daily capacity of 500㎥/ each. Raw water for research is obtained from the sewage substantiation plant and the wastewater substantiation plant. It is designed to make processed water flow into the industrial purification plant nearby.
Leader of Korea Water
Cluster Promotion and
Water Management
Technology Development
World-Class cluster with
global competitiveness
Open organizational culture
where all members
communicate and